Constellations ATL | Intimate Wedding Ceremony | Sandesh & Bianca –

It was almost 10 Years ago when Bianca and Sandesh were introduced through a mutual friend at KSU. It was then that their fun relationship began and their love story started to unfold. These two have such a sweet friendship and deep love for each other that is rooted in their cultural similarities and values. Bianca is from South Africa but with German and British dissent while Sandesh is Sri Lankan and was raised in Vienna, Austria. Their marriage is truly a melting pot of different cultures! Throughout the years they have grown closer as a couple as they’ve traveled the world and experienced life to the full! I can only imagine that these two will have a lifetime of new adventures, travels and experiences that will trump every hardship that 2020 has thrown at them. I know it will all pale in comparison with how bright of a future these two now have as husband and wife!

It was such a bummer that their original wedding plans were postponed, but I am truly so thankful to be a part of their small and intimate ceremony here in Atlanta. Everything lined up perfectly and as stressful as it might have been to change plans a few times – I think it all came together in the most beautiful way. Seriously, their wedding vows to each other were so sincere and heartfelt – there was not a dry eye on the room! It has been such an honor to get to know Sandesh & Bianca and photograph this extraordinary day for them! Congratulations to the newlyweds!

We all came together at Constellations Atlanta and it was such a stunning location! Here are a few of my favorite images from their wedding day!

Zwei Herzen (two hearts)
Viel Traume (many dreams)
Eine Liebe (one love)